Recent grants (£3.7M of research funding since 2007):
- EPSRC standard grant EP/J010200/1 (O'Doherty, Neill, Davies, et al.) The effects of realistic tidal flows on the performance and structural integrity of tidal stream turbines (2012-2015). £1,389,372
- Fujitsu/HPC Wales (Neill) Feedback between tidal stream array operation and the marine environment - PhD studentship (2012-2016). £75,000
- Fujitsu/HPC Wales (Hashemi, Neill, Robins, Jago) Simulating the impacts of climate change on estuarine dynamics using an integrated catchment-to-coast model - PhD studentship (2012-2015). £70,100
- HEFCW/Welsh Crucible (Neill, Grimstead) Simulating the impacts of climate change on the coastal zone: putting the end-user in the driving seat (2011-2012). £5,752
- HEFCW/Welsh Crucible (Gil, Neill, Hiddink, et al.) Development of a new sustainable elastomeric energy harvester for marine environments (2011-2012). £9,000
- Welsh European Funding Office (Neill, et al.) Low Carbon Research Institute (LCRI) - Marine (2010-2013). £538,559
- NERC standard grant NE/G020302/1 (Jago, Baas, Kennedy, Neill) Impacts of hydrological variability on material transfers through the River-Estuary Transition Zone (2009-2012). £592,776
- INTERREG IVA (Malham, Neill, et al.) Shellfish productivity in the Irish Sea: working towards a sustainable future - SUSFISH (2009-2013). £638,602
- NERC directed grant NE/F001266/1 (Creer, Hiddink, Neill). Sequencing the meiofaunal metagenome of the marine/freshwater interface in key estuarine ecosystems (2008-2011). £66,581
- NERC urgency grant NE/E011268/1 (Hiddink, Carvahlo, Gascoigne, Kaiser, Neill). Recovery of benthic invertebrate communities and fishery overspill effects in newly created marine reserves (2007-2008). £281,251